Thursday, August 13, 2009

We Started!

I received my OPKS and Pregnancy tests in the mail two days ago.
I took an OPK and a line showed up...
but then I read the instructions
and it said it has to be as dark as the control line to be POSITIVE.
I thought I was ovulating but apparently they aren't like pregnancy tests lol.

We also started BabyDancing!
(Like you want to know that right?)
But I didn't tell you all,
Zac got cold feet earlier this week.
So it was a shock when we
actually BabyDanced last night lol.

Anyways, that's it for now.
I've got to go run errands!

Baby Maker Out....

Friday, August 7, 2009

Spotlight On PR

Welcome to my Spotlight on PR post!
I'm working with Feels Like Home in hopes of building my PR!
My name is Cassidy, I'm 22, an art student, wife, and mother.
My baby boy is almost 6 months old and the light of my life!

I started this blog to document my TTC and pregnancy journey. You will find stories, interactive question posts, pictures, ect. You will find more about this journey here: I'm Back!!

I would love to do product reviews and giveaways that are family based. Mention mommy items or baby/childrens items and I'm there! I love to be on the forefront of new and innovative products! I'm also open to men's items. My husband is always asking when its going to be his turn to review something cool!

If you have a product that you think I would be interested in, I'd love to hear more about it! You can contact me at I'm all ears!

Pyschic Readings are so fun!

Tonight I did a tarot card reading with a Twitter friend, Lemonade Mama! It was a ton of fun!
You can find her Tarot page here.

The outcome of mine was:
* It will not take long for me to get my BFP, within the next month or two.
* She did not see any medical attention needed to achieve it.
* She saw a boy.
* At least 3 children.
*A strong relationship with my family, with a pretty smooth ride.
* A couple years between the 2 and 3 children due to finances.

Everything she said totally made sense!
If anything, I already feel less stressed :)
(I don't want you to think I'm crazy. This is all in fun!)
Plus she is SUPER sweet. I had a blast just talking with her!

We'll see how right she is within these next few months! Can't wait!

If you'd like to have some fun, visit Aranarose!
I also had a Ruby Reading done a few months ago.
Here are the results of it! :

I see a conceive or find out with a bfp between Aug and Nov of this year and a boy.
I see a conceive or find out with a bfp between Sept and Oct of 2012 and a boy.

LOL they match! Here's to hoping! (and BDing ALOT!!!)

How long did it take you?

How long were you TTCing before you conceived?
Did you use any help? (meds, preseed, ect)

Post answers in comments section!

Age Difference?

What do you think is a good age difference between children?

Mom's with babies less than 1 and a half years apart...
How do you like it?
Would you have done it differently?

Post answers in the comments section!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm SOOO Nervous!

and need tons of help!!

I know nothing about TTC!
Caden was a suprise.
He was conceived during my second month of BC!

I just ordered 15 OPKs and 5 pregnancy tests from

I also set up an account with Fertility Friend.

But I know NOTHING about charting.
I don't know how or when to do OPKs.


I need my BFP in the next two months!!! Link

I'm Back!!!!

I started this blog a week ago when I thought I was pregnant. When lovely Aunt Flo arrived... I ditched the idea and put up the post reserving the blog for my second pregnancy.

Well, of course, since it's only been a week, I'm not pregnant. But I do have exciting news. News that deserves resurrecting this blog!

We are officially TRYING TO CONCEIVE!

Our pregnancy scare this month gave me the baby bug big time! I think it might have nipped Z a little too, because he didn't run screaming when I brought the subject up yesterday! We originally decided to wait two months to start actively trying. Then last night I was thinking about it, and my sister is getting married next year in July or August. The timing completely clashes, and I refuse to miss my sisters wedding. (Not to mention I'm the MOH.) So I talked to Z and we've come up with a whole new timeline! We will try this month and next. If nothing happens by then, we will wait until Dec/Jan to try again. That way I will not be due around Ci-Ci's wedding. The furthest I'd be along is 7 or 8 months! YAY! AND... if it happens in these next to months, Baby #2 will be here before the wedding!

So, once again, I invite you to join me in my journey. Follow me as I try to conceive my second child (think pink!), through my pregnancy, and my labor/delivery. You can expect to find stories, my chart, pictures, and (hopefully) product reviews and giveaways!

I'm SOOOO excited!!!